Using DVDxDV With Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Express

Screencast: Uploading a DVD to Youtube.

DVDxDV Pro lets you upload DVD video to Youtube. You can extract just the part of the DVD that you want without having to upload the entire DVD.

Uploading an iDVD or any DVD to Youtube

iDVD created projects and regular DVDs cannot be directly uploaded to Youtube. The only way to get your DVD video to Youtube is to convert it to a form that Youtube can read. The best format for uploading to youtube is an H.264 encoded mp4 or move file. A DVD video that is longer than 15 minutes will need to be broken up into multiple separte videos.

What You Will Need

To upload video to Youtube, you will need to create a Youtube account. Visit for details on creating this account. In addition, you will want a high speed internet connection with a fast upload speed. Most cable modem and DSL services have smaller upload speeds relative to the download speed. Videos are very large files and it may take several hours to upload depending on your internet connection. This tutorial will show you how to upload DVD video to Youtube using DVDxDV Pro.

1. Install DVDxDV Pro by downloading the trial version of DVDxDV Pro. The trial version will watermark your video, but it will allow you to follow along with this tutorial. You will need to purchase the full version and re-upload your video again to remove the watermark.

2. Start DVDxDV Pro from your Applications folder.

DVDxDVProTrial icon

3. The main window will appear.

DVDxDV Pro Main Screen

4. If you have a DVD in your computer, DVDxDV Pro will automatically load the DVD. You can, also, load the DVD using the File->Open DVD menu option.

File Open DVD

5. Your DVD should begin loading into DVDxDV Pro. After it is finished, you should see one or more video titles in the DVDxDV Pro window.

DVDxDV Pro with video loaded

6. Optional: If you are using the trial version of DVDxDV Pro, you may want to grab a small section of the video. To do this, select the "zoom" bar to expand the timeline

Timeline Zoom

7. Optional: The Timeline get longer allowing you to scrub through the video much more easily.

The Timeline gets longer

8. Optional: Drag the arrow to about the minute mark on the timeline.

Movie timeline to 1 minute

9. Optional: Press the "out point" button to mark this as the end of the video that you want to extract.

Click the outpoint button.

10. Optional: Your Timeline will now change to show the first minute of video highlighted. This will be the part of the video that will be uploaded to Youtube.

Timeline with outpoint set

11. You are now ready to extract your video. Select the Extract->Movie option from the menu.

Extract new movie

12. This will bring up the export preset dialog. Click the export preset menu button.

Select an export preset

13. Select the Youtube export preset.

Select the youtube export preset

14. Press the export button to bring up the file dialog.

press the export button

The save dialog will appear asking you for a place to save your video will it is uploading it to Youtube. The file will be deleted after it is uploaded.

save dialog

Click the "Save" button dialog and the Youtube information dialog will appear.

youtube info dialog

15. Enter your Youtube account name and password here. If your account name and password is not correct, you will not be able to upload the video to Youtube.

enter your youtube account and password

You can change the tile of the movie to how you want it to appear in Youtube. You can mark this video as private, as well as, set the catagorie you want it to appear under. When you are finished entering the information click the "OK" button.

click the ok button on the youtube info panel

DVDxDV Pro will begin extracting from the DVD.

DVDxDV Pro extracting video from the DVD.

DVDxDV Pro will then convert the video to a format the Youtube can read.

conveting to youtube readable

DVDxDV Pro will then upload the video to Youtube.

DVDxDV Pro uploading the DVD video to Youtube

Once DVDxDV Pro is finished you should see your video on your Youtube page.

Please Read Our End User License Agreement and How to Un-install or Remove DVDxDV Software